Topics For Change
Supporter of the Independent Political Party
Independent Party
Charlise Williams has been a proud supporter of the Independent Party since 2016. Her belief is that their is a need for a third party to provide a balanced view of the social and economic issues that exist in the United States on a Federal, State and Local Level. There needs to be change that benefits the people themselves.
Judicial Reform
The judicial system is plagued with corruption and lack of transparency. The system no longer works fairly. It is designed to create a new and sophisticated slave system designed to create unlimited financial support to corporations that benefit from prison labor. In so doing, many laws need to be changed and updated to address the financial imbalance that exist in the judicial system. Many innocent people are incarcerated yearly in the judicial system based on lies and false statements made by attorneys and other influential individuals with the intentions of creating harm and chaos to individuals personally and professionally . Many are incarcerated wrongly due to lack of ability to afford a competent and qualified attorney.
Prison Reform
The current prison system is being used to create free labor to corporations. Many corporations depend on prison labor and have a cohesive relationship with the judicial systems to create an abundant supply of prison labor to allow corporations to function and profit at the expense of the United States Tax Payers. In so doing, the prison system creates a barrier between formally incarcerated individuals and corporations. When formally incarcerated individuals are released the same companies that profit from prison labor will not hire formally incarcerated individuals. The United States Government and State Governments house the individuals at the expense of tax payers and then they allow corporations to profit off free or low cost labor as well as commissaries and other services in the prisons. In addition, the systems are not reforming many formally incarcerated individuals for the sole purpose of hoping they will become career criminals. This is a sad and sick process condoned by many and it needs to change. The United States has the highest prison population in the world and the lowest success rate at reforming individuals. By no means is the full abolishment of the prison system being suggested, but a new and reformed system that is more humane and more productive for society and not just corporations.
Government Reform
In the United States our country is governed by a series of laws. These law include guidance on how our government officials represent us on a Federal, State and Local level. The base concept is great, however, our governments have become complacent. This country appears to have converted itself into an oligarchy instead of a democracy. Our governments need to be reformed to serve the common interest of the common individual. The primary focus is corporate interest, corporate profits, and financial security for a selected few individuals. At some point our government has turned against its people to provide nothing for the tax payer and the employees of the government are not providing anything to the people who have elected them. Government employees act entitled instead of willing to serve the public